

Illuminating the abyss

Seeking a transcendent enlargement of being

(1 min read)

Something special about cetaceans. They operate outside our gravity-bound limitations and orientations.

The entire ocean is a channel for their song, a stage for their dance, a sandbox in which they play.
A channel, a stage, a sandbox

We humans are also operating in an ocean-sized mirror-world that is the internet, that vastly influential abstract space that is having a profound impact (for better and for worse) on our real-world environment.

So how might we fully use this ocean-sized channel, occupy this stage, play in this sandbox? The breadth, the depth — any part of it?

How might that visual metaphor, or others like it, enhance our ability to move out of the limitations of operating within a finite sandbox prescribed by society?
An evolving avatar

Cetacean is a lovely descriptive for this symbolic avatar or spirit-animal.

It might symbolize daring souls who are moving into difficult spaces to change the conversation.

It might symbolize 52Hz songsters who are singing and saying things few others are singing and saying.

It might symbolize contributing your unique frequency to the collective dream called culture.

The entire concept can mean whatever you want it to mean.

(This is part five in a twenty part introductory series exploring the intersection of frequency, resonance and nuance, first published on Medium.)